A new decade, a new lease on science fiction life - This is Girl's Guide to Sci-Fi, saying 'Hello' after an extended
sabbatical from reading, living, writing science fiction.
A year of continuous detective novels interspersed with more of the same while satisfying in a safe, doldrums kind of way abruptly stopped
when I wandered up to my third-floor bookcase, reached around the towering
stacks of Christies and come downstairs with my number one. ChapterHouse: Dune, Frank Herbert's 6th in his Dune series before his death continues to capture my interest whole-heartedly. Oddly, the 6th is not
regarded as his best work with many Dune readers unable to hurtle past the
behemoth that is God Emperor of Dune. Does a reader need to like the
protagonist to enjoy a book? A fair question, especially if you are going to
delve into the Dune-Universe, move past Muad'Dib to discover and equally hate
the true destroyer/saviour of humanity, his son Leto II.
But this isn't a discussion of my darling Dune - this is the relaunch of Girl's Guide to Sci-Fi.
Science Fiction ignites my imagination, challenges me to alter my perspective, to
expound on life, to be fully present in my reading journey. With 2020, and a
small stack of sci-fi books waiting on my bedside table, I feel a return to
myself. I am reader, a geeky science fiction nerd who has returned to herself.
The final question of course is, what book launched this new decade of science fiction reading? Just an epic little poetic love story This Is How You Lose The Time War that has me befuddled with it's beautiful madness.